- Generators
- Generators Extended
- Curves
- Adaptive Plot Curve
- Adaptive Plot NURBS Curve
- Apply Field to Curve
- Approximate NURBS Curve
- Arc 3pt (Curve)
- Arc Start / End / Tangent
- Approximate Bezier Curve
- Bezier Spline Segment (Curve)
- Bi Arc
- Blend Curves
- Cast Curve
- Catenary Curve
- Catmull-Rom Spline
- Circlify
- Concatenate Curves
- Cubic Spline
- Curve Curvature
- Circle (Curve)
- Curve Formula
- Curve Frame
- Curve Frame on Surface
- Curve Length
- Curve Lerp
- Curve on Surface
- Curve Domain
- Curve Segment
- Curve to NURBS
- Deconstruct Curve
- NURBS Curve Discontinuity
- Elevate Degree (NURBS Curve)
- Ellipse (Curve)
- Curve Endpoints
- Evaluate Curve
- Extend Curve
- Curve Extremes
- Fillet Curve
- Fillet Polyline
- Flip Curve
- Helix (FreeCAD)
- Generate Knotvector
- Insert Knot (NURBS Curve)
- Interpolate Curve Frame
- Interpolate NURBS Curve
- Intersect Curve with Plane
- Intersect NURBS Curves
- Iso U/V Curve
- Kinked Curve
- Curve Length Parameter
- Naturally Parametrized Curve
- Line (Curve)
- Marching Squares
- Marching Squares on Surface
- Move NURBS Curve Point
- Nearest Point on Curve
- Build NURBS Curve
- NURBS Curve Nodes
- Offset Curve
- Offset Curve on Surface
- Ortho Project on Curve
- Single-Point Curve
- Poly Arc
- Polyline
- Prepare NURBS Curves Net
- Project Curve to Surface (NURBS)
- RBF Curve
- Reduce Degree (NURBS Curve)
- Refine NURBS Curve
- Remove Excessive Knots (NURBS Curve)
- Remove Knot (NURBS Curve)
- Reparametrize Curve
- Rounded Rectangle
- Snap Curves
- Sort Curves
- Split Curve
- Surface’s Boundary
- Tangents Curve
- Curve Torsion
- Curve Zero-Twist Frame
- Surfaces
- Adaptive Tessellate Surface
- Apply Field to Surface
- Approximate NURBS Surface
- Blend Surfaces
- Surface from Boundary Curves
- Surface Curvatures
- Deconstruct Surface
- Evaluate Surface
- Extrude Curve Along Curve
- Extrude to Point
- Extrude Curve Along Vector
- Flip Surface
- Surface Gauss Curvature
- NURBS Surface from Curves Net
- Implicit Surface Raycast
- Interpolate NURBS Surface
- Surface from Curves
- Intersect Curve with Surface
- Marching Cubes
- Minimal Surface from Curve
- Minimal Surface
- Surface Frame
- NURBS Birail
- NURBS Loft
- Build NURBS surface
- NURBS Sweep
- Pipe Surface Along Curve
- Plane (Surface)
- Raycast on Surface
- Revolution Surface
- Ruled Surface
- Surface Subdomain
- Bevel a Curve (Surface)
- Surface Domain
- Elevate Degree (NURBS Surface)
- Surface Extremes
- Surface Formula
- Insert Knot (NURBS Surface)
- Surface Lerp
- Nearest Point on Surface
- Orthogonal Project on Surface
- Reduce Degree (NURBS Surface)
- Remove Excessive Knots (NURBS Surface)
- Remove Knot (NURBS Surface)
- Reparametrize Surface
- Sphere (Surface)
- Swap Surface U/V
- Taper Sweep Surface
- Tessellate & Trim Surface
- Fields
- Attractor Field
- Compose Vector Field
- Coordinate Scalar Field
- Bend Along Curve Field
- Decompose Vector Field
- Field Differential Operations
- Bend Along Surface Field
- Twist along Curve Field
- Image Field
- Join Scalar Fields
- Mesh Nearest Normal
- Mesh Smoothed Surface Field
- RBF Scalar Field
- RBF Vector Field
- Noise Vector Field
- Rotation Field
- Scalar Field Curvature
- Map Scalar Field by Curve
- Evaluate Scalar Field
- Scalar Field Formula
- Scalar Field Graph
- Scalar Field Math
- Distance From a Point
- Apply Vector Field
- Evaluate Vector Field
- Vector Field Formula
- Vector Field Graph
- Vector Field Lines
- Vector Field Math
- Voronoi Field
- Solids
- Solid Bounding Box
- Box (Solid)
- Center of Mass (Solid)
- Chamfer Solid
- Cone (Solid)
- Cylinder (Solid)
- Export Solid
- Extrude Face (Solid)
- Solid Face Area
- Fillet Solid
- Solid General Fuse
- Hollow Solid
- Import Solid
- Is Solid Closed
- Compound Solid
- Mesh to Solid
- Mirror Solid
- Offset Solid
- Points Inside Solid
- Polygon Face (Solid)
- Face from Surface (Solid)
- Refine Solid
- Revolve Face (Solid)
- Solid from two Faces
- Slice Solid
- Solid Area
- Solid Boolean
- Solid Distance
- Solid Edges (Curves)
- Solid Faces (Surfaces)
- Solid from Faces
- Solid Section
- Select Solid Elements
- Solid to Mesh
- Solid Vertices
- Solid Viewer
- Solid Volume
- Solidify Face (Solid)
- Sphere (Solid)
- Split Solid by Face
- Sweep Face (Solid)
- Torus (Solid)
- Transform Solid
- Validate & Fix Solid
- Face from Curves (Solid)
- Spatial
- Concave Hull
- Convex Hull
- Delaunay 2D
- Delaunay 2D Cdt
- Delaunay 3D
- Field Random Probe
- Vector P Field
- Lloyd 2D
- Lloyd 3D
- Lloyd on Mesh
- Lloyd on Sphere
- Lloyd in Solid
- Lloyd on Solid Face
- Mesh clustering
- Populate Mesh
- Populate Solid
- Populate Surface
- Voronoi 3D
- Voronoi 2D Node
- Voronoi on Mesh
- Voronoi on Solid
- Voronoi on Surface
- Voronoi Sphere
- Transforms
- Analyzers
- Area
- Aligned Bounding Box (Alpha)
- Bounding Box
- Overlap Polygons
- Chess Selection
- Circle Fit
- Component Analyzer
- Deformation
- Diameter
- Distance Line Line
- Distance Point Line
- Distance Point Plane
- Distance
- Angles at the Edges
- Image Decomposer
- Inscribed Circle
- Circle Intersection
- Compass 3D
- Plane Intersection
- KDT Closest Verts
- KDT Closest Edges
- KDT Closest Path
- Linear Approximation
- Linked Verts
- Mesh Filter
- Select Mesh Elements
- Nearest Point on Mesh
- Calculate Normals
- Insolation
- Origins
- Path Length
- Points Inside Mesh
- Polygon Inscribed Circle
- Project Points to Line
- Proportional Edit Falloff
- Raycaster
- Select Similar
- Sphere Fit
- Steiner Ellipse
- Volume
- Wave Painter
- Center of Mass (Mesh) (Alpha)
- Modifier Change
- Bevel
- Delete Loose
- Dissolve Mesh Elements
- Edge Boom
- Split Edges
- Edgenet to Paths
- Extrude Edges
- extrude multi alt
- Extrude Region
- Extrude Separate Faces
- Extrude Separate Faces Lite
- Flat Geometry
- Flip Normals
- Follow Active Quads
- Fill Holes
- Inset Faces
- Make Monotone
- Merge by Distance
- Mesh Clean
- Mesh Join
- Separate Loose Parts
- Duplicate Objects Along Edge
- Offset
- Catmull-Clark Subdivision Node
- Planar Edgenet to Polygons
- Make Faces Planar
- Poke Faces
- Polygon Boom
- Polygons to Edges
- Quadriflow
- Recalculate Normals
- Relax Mesh
- Rigid Origami
- Separate Parts To Indexes
- Smooth Vertices
- Split Faces
- Split Mesh Elements
- Subdivide
- Subdivide to Quads
- Triangulate Mesh
- Mask Vertices
- Modifier Make
- Adaptive Polygons Mk2
- Bevel a Curve (Mesh)
- Bisect
- Internal Boolean
- Clip Vertices
- Contour 2D
- CSG Boolean MK2
- Cut Object by Surface
- Diamond Mesh
- Dual Mesh
- Adaptative Edges
- Examples
- Fractal Curve
- Framework
- Join Triangles
- Lathe
- Matrix Tube
- Offset Line
- Pipe
- Solidify
- Sweep Modulator
- Unsubdivide node
- UV Connection
- Wafel
- Wireframe
- Number
- Vector
- Vectors Attraction
- Vector X | Y | Z
- Vector Drop
- Vector Fractal
- Vector Interpolation
- Vector Interpolation Stripes
- Vector Lerp
- Vector Math
- Vector Noise
- Sort Quad Grid
- Vector Turbulence
- Variable Lacunarity
- Vector In
- Vector Out
- Vector Polar Input
- Vector Polar Output
- Vector Rewire
- Vector X Doubles
- Vector Sort
- Matrix
- Quaternion
- Color
- Logic
- List Main
- List Structure
- List Masks
- List Mutators
- Dictionary
- Viz
- Console Node
- Dupli Instancer Lite
- Dupli Instancer
- Empty out
- Geo Nodes Viewer
- Obj instancer
- Light viewer
- Mesh Viewer
- Polyline Viewer
- Matrix View
- Viewer 2D
- Bezier Curve Out
- Curve Viewer
- Viewer Draw Curve
- Viewer Draw
- Viewer Draw Surface
- GreasePencil Viewer
- Viewer Index+
- Metaball Out
- NURBS Curve Out
- NURBS Surface Out
- Skin Mesher
- Texture Viewer
- Texture Viewer Lite
- Typography Viewer
- Viewer Waveform
- Text
- Script
- Scene
- Object
- Armature Props
- Assign Materials List
- Copy Modifiers Node
- Object ID Selector
- Get Property / Set Property
- Lattice Props
- Set Material Index
- Named Attribute
- Find UV Coord on Surface
- Sample UV Texture Color on Mesh
- Select Object Vertices
- Set Collection
- Set Custom UV Map
- Set Loop Normals
- Set Mesh Attribute
- Vertex Group Weights
- Layout
- Network
- Pulga Physics
- Pulga Align Force
- Pulga Angle Force
- Pulga Attraction Force
- Pulga Attractors Force
- Pulga Boundaries Force
- Pulga Collision Force
- Pulga Drag Force
- Pulga Fit Force
- Pulga Inflate Force
- Pulga Obstacle Force
- Pulga Physics Lite
- Pulga Physics Solver
- Pulga Pin Force
- Pulga Random Force
- Pulga Springs Force
- Pulga Timed Force
- Pulga Vector Force
- Pulga Vortex Force
- Exchange