Surface’s Boundary¶

This node outputs the curve (or curves) which represent the boundaries of some surface. The supported types of surfaces are:
Plain (plane-like); for such surfaces, the boundary is one closed curve (in many cases it will have four non-smooth points).
Closed in U or in V direction (cylinder-like). For such surface, the boundary is represented by two closed curves at two open sides of the surface.
If the surface is closed in both U and V direction (torus-like), then it will not have any boundary.

This node has the following input:
Surface. The surface to calculate boundary for. This input is mandatory.
This node has the following parameters:
Cyclic. This defines whether the surface is closed in some directions. The available options are:
Plain. The surface is not closed in any direction, so it has single closed curve as a boundary.
U Cyclic. The surface is closed along the U direction. It has two closed curves as boundary.
V Cyclic. The surface is closed along the V direction.
Concatenate. This parameter is available only if Cyclic parameter is set to Plain. If checked, then four edges of the surface will be concatenated into one Curve object. Otherwise, the node will output four separate Curve objects. Checked by default.

This node has the following output:
Boundary. Curve or curves representing surface’s boundary.
Examples of usage¶
Visualize the boundary of some random plane-like surface:

replay with new nodes:

Generator-> Plane
Curves-> Cubic Spline
Surfaces-> Surface from Curves
Transform-> Randomize
List->List Struct-> List Split
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Visualize the boundary of cylinder-like surface:

Curves-> Circle (Curve)
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Surfaces-> Extrude Curve Along Vector
Surfaces-> Evaluate Surface
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Text-> Stethoscope