Transform mesh¶

The node takes mesh and transform it according parameters. It can move, scale and rotate parts of mesh. The logic is close how Blender manipulate with mesh itself. Selection elements determines by mask input.

Generator-> Plane
Number-> List Input
List-> Index To Mask
List->List Main-> List Length
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Viewer Index+
Transforms -> Transform mesh
Verts - vertices
Edges - edges (optionally), required if selection mode is edges
Faces - faces (optionally), required if selection mode is faces
Mask - bool mask or index mask according mask mode
Origin - available with custom origin mode, custom origins
Space direction - available with custom space mode, custom normal
Mask index - available in index mask mode, indexes of mesh parts
Direction - transform vector, axis for rotation mode
Factor - factor of transform vector, radians for rotation mode
Verts - transformed vertices
Parameters |
Type |
Description |
Transform mode |
enum |
Move, scale or rotate |
Mask mode |
enum |
Bool mask or index mask |
Origin mode |
enum |
Bounding box center, median center, individual center, custom center |
Space mode |
enum |
Global, normal, custom |
Selection mode (mask socket) |
enum |
Vertexes, edges, faces |
enum |
X, Y, Z or custom direction |
Boolean mask and values distribution: Boolean mask split mesh into selected and unselected parts. The node apply only one parameter to all selected mesh. If multiple parameters such as direction vector are given they distributes between selected elements. Resulting direction vector is calculated by finding average value from distributed among selected elements parameters.
Index mask and values distribution: Index mask marks different parts of mesh with different indexes. The node apply properties in this mode only for parts of mesh with indexes equal to given indexes via mask index socket.
For example:
given indexes - [1, 3], given parameters - [param1, param2].
All parts of mesh masked by 1 will be assigned with param1.
All parts of mesh masked by 3 will be assigned param2.
All other parts will be unchanged.
Generating and moving lines on mesh level:

Generator-> Line
Number-> Random Num Gen
List->List Main-> List Length
Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Separate Parts To Indexes
Set: List-> List Modifier
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Text-> Stethoscope
Moving disjoint parts =):

Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Separate Parts To Indexes
MUL X: Number-> Scalar Math
Vector-> Vector In
Set: List-> List Modifier
List->List Main-> List Join
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Scene-> Frame Info
Randomly scaled faces:

Generator-> Plane
List->List Main-> List Length
Number-> Random Num Gen
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Randomly scaled loops of torus:

Generator-> Torus
Number-> A Number
Number-> Number Range
List->List Main-> List Join
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Flatten monkey by nearby point:

Generator-> Suzanne
Matrix-> Matrix Out
Scene-> Get Objects Data
Analyzers-> Select Mesh Elements