Texture Viewer



This node allows viewing a list of scalar values and Vectors as a texture, very useful to display data from fractal, noise nodes and others, before outputting to a viewer_draw_mk2.

Uses OpenGl calls to display the data.


Floats and Vectors input




Float input

float and Vectors nested list


may be true or false: display or not the texture


may be true or false: transfer data to the internal image viewer

Set texture


choose the size of the texture to display:

(64x64px,128x128px, 256x256px, 512x512px, 1024x1024px)

Set color mode

set the color mode:

  • BW = grayscale image,

  • RGB = image with red, green, blu channels

  • RGBA = image with red, green, blu, alpha channels

Custom tex

may be true or false: enable custom size of texture

Width tex

must be int: set the width of the texture when Custom tex is enabled

Height tex

must be int: set the height of the texture when Custom tex is enabled


Directly into node tree view in a blue bordered square or if you choose the Pass option the texture may be transferred to the internal image viewer/editor.

Properties panel

You can save the texture in the desired folder. You can choose the format:

##### jpeg, jp2, bmp, tiff, tga, tga(raw), exr, exr(multilayer), png

Save the texture clicking on the button SAVE. You can save also passing the image to the blender image editor with option Pass. This is much preferred because there are more saving options.


Basic usage:


Important notes

The Texture viewer node need adequate data size, this mean that number of input pixels should be equal to the output. If not you will receive an error. See the image below for an RGBA example:
