List Input¶
This node got huge update for MK2 version:
appended new types of data.
now there is no limits of counters.
Provides a way to create a flat list of Booleans, Integers, Floats, Vectors, Quaternions, Matrixes, Colors, Texts with subtypes. Also see: Text->Text In+ node.
The value of input fields changes according to the Type selector.
1. General controls¶
1.1. List length¶
Length of the list is individual of Type Selector (2). You can set different length for every type of data independently.
1.2. Type Selector¶
You can select type of Bool, Int, Float, Vector, Quaternion, Matrix, Color, Text.
1.3. Data¶
Data you can input manually.
1.4. Select elements¶
You can manually select/hide elements to output socket without changes of the source data
1.5. Clipboard control (Copy/Paste)¶
You can copy/paste data into or from the external text data.
1.6. Indexes of outputs¶
Indexes of output list. (For information)
1.7. Subtype of data¶
View list of Floats as Angles (Degrees or Radians), Distance (meters) of Power:
View list of colors as 4D vector, Color with Alpha and Color Gamma without Alpha:
2. Using of Mask input socket¶
If mask is true then element is hiding from output (is an oposite of selector 4)
You can use external data as mask for this node:
You can select what type of data are mask - boolean or indexes. You can invert mask by “Invert” button in Mask input socket.
3. Matrixes¶
Matrixes are compicated elements. So they has a some controls to converts views. You can set view of every mastrix as you wish: as 4x4, or Euler Angles, or Angle Axis:
if you choose matrix view as Euler or Axis Angle then you can also set a shears componets of matrix:
Shears components are shares between Euler and Axis Angle.
3.1. Matrixes addition controls¶
Reset 4x4 diagonal to ones:
Reset shears to zero:
Copy data from Euler view into the 4x4 view:
Copy data from Axis Angle view into the 4x4 view:
Copy data from Euler Angles view into the Axis Angle View (all shears has to be 0):
4. Strings mode¶
You can edit strings without activate Sverchok node. Some times Blender do not want to update output data for strings. So you have to press button “update text”:
A single flat list
3D panel¶
The node can show its properties on 3D panel. For this parameter to 3d should be enabled, output should be linked. After that you can press scan for props button on 3D panel for showing the node properties on 3D panel.
Warning: Matrixes are not shown for a while in 3D panel.
Useful when you have no immediate need to generate such lists programmatically.

Text-> Stethoscope
Use List input as input matrixes and colors:
Generator-> Suzanne
Viz-> Viewer Draw