Catenary Curve¶

This node requires SciPy library to work.
This node generates a catenary curve, given it’s two end points and it’s length.

This node has the following inputs:
Point1. Starting point of the curve. The default value is
(-1, 0, 0)
.Point2. Ending point of the curve. The default value is
(1, 0, 0)
.Gravity. Gravity force vector, i.e. the direction where curve’s arc will be hanging to. Only direction of this vector is used, it’s length has no meaning. The default value is
(0, 0, -1)
.Length. The length of the curve between starting and ending point. The default value is 3.0.

This node has the following parameter:
Join. If checked, then the node will output single flat list of curves for all input lists of points. Otherwise, the node will output a separate list of curves for each list of input points. Checked by default.

This node has the following output:
Curve. The generated catenary curve object.
Examples of usage¶
Catenary curve hanging down between two points:

Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
Catenary arch:

Generator-> NGon
Curves->Curve Primitives-> Polyline
Surfaces-> Extrude Curve Along Curve
Surfaces-> Evaluate Surface
Viz-> Viewer Draw