Split Solid by Face¶
This node takes one Solid object and one or several Surfaces (or Solid Faces), and generates several Solid objects, by cutting the initial Solid with the surfaces. This is similar to what “Bisect” node does to mesh, but this node can cut the Solid with arbitrary surface, not only with planes.
This node supports NURBS and NURBS-like surfaces only.
This node has the following inputs:
Solid. The solid object to be split. This input is mandatory.
SolidFace. Solid Face or Surface object to be used to cut the object. The node can use a list of surfaces to cut one object. This input is mandatory.
This node has the following outputs:
Solids. The generated Solids objects. The node produces a list of Solid objects from each Solid object in the input.
CutFaces. Solid Face (trimmed surfaces) objects, which are created at places where surfaces cut the solid object. For each Solid Face in the input, CutFaces output will contain a list of faces that were created from this input face. Usually there are at least two faces created from each input face, but that depends on circumstances. The order of faces lists corresponds to the order of faces in the SolidFace input. The order of faces in each inner list is defined by FreeCAD library, so it probably can change.
Examples of Usage¶
Take a cylinder and cut it with a surface generated from Bezier curve:

Take one cube and cut it with a series of spheres:

An example of CutFaces output usage. Cut a Cylinder with a surface, take a face at the cut place and solidify that face: