Find Closest Value¶

The node takes data where to search and values which should be found in the data. The closest value (and index of the value) to given will be return. Input data can be unsorted.
List -> Find Closest Value
Values - list of figures which should be found
Data - list of figures where to search
Range - determines how output values can be differ from input one
Closest values - list of figures from data socket which are closest to given values
Closest indexes - indexes of closest values in data list
Mode - single mode will find closest value to input one, range - will find closest values which will be in given range relatively to input value
In the range mode the output of the node has one more nested list. To each input value there is output list. For example to input values like this [[1, 10]] output can look like [[[0,1,2], [9,10,11]]] Also keep in mind that output lists can be empty in case if no values feat in range.

Number-> List Input
Text-> Stethoscope
Find closest value to 5 in random range from 0 to 10

Searching value in input data in range between 3.97 to 5.03