Join Scalar Fields¶
This node joins (merges) a list of Scalar Field objects by one of supported mathematical operations, to generate a new Scalar Field.
Fields-> Scalar Field Formula
Number-> A Number
List->List Main-> List Join
This node has the following input:
Fields. The list of scalar fields to be merged.
This node has the following parameter:
Mode. This defines the operation used to calculate the new field. The supported operations are:
Minimum. Take the minimal value of all fields: MIN(S1(X), S2(X), …).
Maximum. Take the maximum value of all fields: MAX(S1(X), S2(X), …)
Average. Take the average (mean) value of all fields: (S1(X) + S2(X) + …) / N.
Sum. Take the sum of all fields: S1(X) + S2(X) + …
Voronoi. Take the difference between two smallest field values: ABS(S1(X) - S2(X)).
This node has the following output:
Field. The generated scalar field.
Examples of usage¶
Example of descriptions:
Generator-> Box
Surfaces-> Marching Cubes
Fields-> Scalar Field Formula
Number-> A Number
ADD: Number-> Scalar Math
List->List Main-> List Join
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Take the minimum of several attraction fields:

Generator-> NGon
Generator-> IcoSphere
Fields-> Distance From a Point
Fields-> Scalar Field Math
Fields-> Evaluate Scalar Field
Spacial-> Vector P Field
Number-> A Number
Viz-> Viewer Draw
The same with Voronoi mode:

Generator-> NGon
Generator-> IcoSphere
Fields-> Distance From a Point
Fields-> Scalar Field Math
Fields-> Evaluate Scalar Field
Spacial-> Vector P Field
Number-> A Number
Viz-> Viewer Draw