Split Mesh Elements¶

The node split selected by mask elements. It has two modes:
- edges
It’s similar to Split -> Faces by Edges Blender tool. When two or more touching interior edges, or a border edge is selected, a hole will be created, and the selected edges will be duplicated to form the border of the hole.
- verts
It’s similar to Split -> Faces & Edges by Vertices Blender tool. It in the same way as in edges mode except that it also splits the vertices of the adjacent connecting edges.

Vertices - Vertices of the input object
Edges - Edges of the input object
Faces - Faces of the input object
FaceData - Face attribute of the input object
Mask - Selection mask. It also has option which type of selection is given (vertexes, edges or faces selection)
Vertices - Vertices of the final object
Edges - Edges of the final object
Faces - Faces of the final object
FaceData - Face attribute of the final object
Split a mesh into random pieces

Generator-> Suzanne
Modifiers->Modifier Change Separate Loose Parts
Number-> List Input
Number-> Random Num Gen
List->List Struct-> List Levels
Viz-> Mesh Viewer