Dissolve Mesh Elements¶

Dissolve will remove the geometry and fill in the surrounding geometry. Instead of removing the geometry, which may leave holes that you have to fill in again.

Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Vertices/Interior

Modifiers -> Modifier change -> Dissolve Mesh Elements
Verts - vertices of given mesh(es)
Edges - edges of given mesh(es)
Faces - faces of given mesh(es)
Mask - mask of vertices, edges or faces which should be dissolved
- Mode
Verts. Remove the vertex, merging all surrounding faces. In the case of two edges, merging them into a single edge
Edges. Removes edges sharing two faces (joining those faces)
Faces. Merges regions of faces that share edges into a single face
Use face split. When dissolving vertices into surrounding faces, you can often end up with very large, uneven n-gons. The face split option limits dissolve to only use the corners of the faces connected to the vertex.
Use boundary tear. Split off face corners instead of merging faces.
Use verts. Undocumented

Original mesh.
Face Split: Off, Tear Boundaries: Off.
Face Split: On, Tear Boundaries: Off.
Face Split: On/Off, Tear Boundaries: On.
Verts - vertices of dissolved mesh
Edges - edges of dissolved mesh
Faces - faces of dissolved mesh
Verts ind - vertices indexes of mesh before dissolving operation
Edges ind - edges indexes of mesh before dissolving operation
Faces ind - faces indexes of mesh before dissolving operation
Loops ind - loops indexes of mesh before dissolving operation
Note: `Index` sockets can map data of mesh elements from mesh before operation to mesh after operation. For mapping operation `list item` node can be used.

Dissolve random border faces

Generator->Generator Extended-> Polygon Grid
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Faces/Is_Boundary
Number-> List Input
Number-> Random Num Gen
AND: Logic-> Logic Functions
List->List Main-> List Length
Color-> Color Ramp
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Text-> Stethoscope

Dissolve random edges

Dissolve all edges except vertical and horizontal

Generator-> Random Vector
COMPONENT-WISE: Vector-> Vector Math
Spatial-> Delaunay 2D
Analyzers-> Select Mesh Elements
Number-> A Number
OR, NOT: Logic-> Logic Functions
Temporal Viewer: Viz-> Viewer Draw
Dissolve faces by area

Generator-> Suzanne
Analyzers-> Area
Vector-> Vector Math
Matrix-> Matrix In
List-> List Mask Converter
LESS X: Logic-> Logic Functions
Logic-> Switch
Temporal Viewer: Viz-> Viewer Draw