Surface Domain¶
This node outputs the domain of the Surface, i.e. the range of values the surface’s U and V parameters are allowed to take.
List->List Main-> List Join
Text-> Stethoscope
Surfaces-> Surface Formula
This node has the following input:
Surface. The surface to be measured. This input is mandatory.
This node has the following outputs:
UMin, UMax. Minimum and maximum allowed values of surface’s U parameter.
URange. The length of surface’s domain along U direction; this equals to the difference UMax - UMin.
VMin, VRange. Minimum and maximum allowed values of surface’s V parameter.
VRange. The length of surface’s domain along V direction; this equals to the difference VMax - VMin.
Example of usage¶
Applied to the sphere with Equirectangular parametrization:

Surfaces-> Sphere (Surface)
Text-> Stethoscope