
Extrudes a mesh along its normal. Used usually to get a thick mesh from a planar mesh.

Vertices: Mesh Vertices (mandatory)
Edges: Mesh Edges (optional, if you want to output edges makes the algorithm faster)
Polygons: Mesh Polygons (mandatory)
Thickness: Distance to extrude

Offset: Relative offset from original mesh [-1.0; 1.0]

Even: adjust thickness in sharp corners to have a even thickness.

Implementation: Algorithm used to compute.
Sverchok: Faster all with more options
Blender: Old method, left because it may differ in some corner cases
Vertices, Edges, Polygons: Modified mesh
New Pols: New opposite polygons (in the same order as the originals)
Rim Pols: Side Polygons created in the boundaries of the mesh
Pols Group: Outputs a list to mask polygons from the modified mesh,
0 = Original Polygon
1 = New Polygon
2 = Rim Polygon
New Verts Mask: To split old vertices form new vertices

Text-> Stethoscope
Using variable thickness:

Generator-> Box
Vector-> Vector Noise
Number-> Map Range
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Splitting Data: New Vertices in white, Old vertices in black, New Polys in grey, Rim Polys in white…

Generator-> Cylinder
DIV: Number-> Scalar Math
Viz-> Viewer Draw