Polyline Viewer¶

In spite of its name it can generate splines of two types: polylines or NURBS. Input vertices should be given in sorted order from start spline to its end. Generating spines can have thickness. If bevel object is given (curve type) it will be extruded along generated splines.
Viz -> Polyline Viewer
Vertices - expect sorted along spline
radius - thickness of generated splines
tilt - screwing of generate spline in radians
bevel object - curve type object to extrude along generated spline
Live - Processing only happens if update is ticked
Hide View - Hides current meshes from view
Hide Select - Disables the ability to select these meshes
Hide Render - Disables the renderability of these meshes
Base Name - Base name for Objects and Meshes made by this node
Random name - Generates random name with random letters
Select - Select every object in 3dview that was created by this Node
Collection - Pick collection where to put objects
Material Select - Assign materials to Objects made by this node
Add material - It creates new material and assigns to generated objects
Lock origin - If it disabled then origins of generated objects can be set manually in viewport
Merge - On by default, join all meshes produced by incoming geometry into one
2D or 3D - Dimensions of generated splines
Bevel depth - Changes the size of the bevel
Resolution - Alters the smoothness of the bevel
Spline type - NURBS to polyline
Cyclic - Closes the generated splines
Assign matrix to - Matrix can be assigned either to objects or mesh. It will effect only onto position of origin. Also if matrix is applying to objects lock origin will be always True
Caps - Seals the ends of a beveled curve
Brains generator

Generator-> IcoSphere
Analyzers-> KDT Closest Path
Vector-> Vector sort
Generating bunch of wires

Generator-> NGon
Matrix-> Matrix Apply to Mesh
Number-> Number Range