Path SVG¶
Creates SVG paths.
Linear: Creates a polyline along the input vertices
Curve: Creates a path from curve input. It will attempt to output a curved path if it fails due the complexity of the curve it will output a polyline with the defined curve samples
User: Creates a complex path using Letter commands to define segments
Vertices: Base vertices.
Curve: Base Curve.
Commands: Letters to define how to interpret the vertices data. Only in user mode.
Fill / Stroke: Fill and Stroke attributes.
One letter per segment, the last command will be repeated to match the verts length
L = line segment (consumes 1 vertex)
C = Bezier Curve (consumes 3 vertex)
S = Smooth Bezier (consumes 2 vertex)
Q = Quadratic curve (consumes 2 vertex)
T = Smooth Quadratic (consumes 1 vertex)
If at the beginning of the command there are not enough vertices to feed the command it will be downgraded from C to S and from Q to T
If command Letter is not in the list [L, C, S, Q, T] it will be interpreted as L
Cyclic: Join the end and the beginning of the path with a line segment
Samples: Curve Resolution used if curved path is not possible. Only in “Curve” mode
SVG Objects