Poke Faces¶

This node splits each selected faces into a triangle fan, creating a new center vertex and triangles between the original face edges and new center vertex. The Offset parameter can be used to make spikes or depressions.

This node provides an interface to standard Blender’s “Poke face” operator. Please refer to Blender documentation for more details.
This node has the following inputs:
FaceMask. The mask for faces to be poked. By default, all faces are considered.
FaceData. List containing an arbitrary data item for each face of input mesh. For example, this may be used to provide material indexes of input mesh faces. Optional input.
This node has the following parameters:
Poke Center. This defines how the center of a face is calculated. The following options are available:
Weighted Mean. Using the mean average weighted by edge length.
Mean. Using the mean average.
Bounds. Uses center of bounding box.
The default mode is Weighted Mean.
Offset Relative. If checked, then the value of Offset parameter/input will be multiplied by the average length from the center to the face vertices. Unchecked by default.
Offset. Poke offset. Defines the offset of the new center vertex along the face normal. This parameter can also be provided as input. The default value is 0.
This node has the following outputs:
FaceData. List containing data items from the FaceData input, which contains one item for each output mesh face.
Examples of usage¶
Poke applied to a box:

Generator-> Box
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Applied to Icosphere:

Generator-> IcoSphere
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Applied to only one face of the cube:

Generator-> Box
Analyzers-> Select Mesh Elements (By Normal Direction)
Viz-> Viewer Draw