
This node generates a polyline (polygonal chain), i.e. a curve consisting of segments of straight lines between the specified points. The polyline may be closed or not.

Curve domain / parameterization specifics: depends on Metrics parameter. Curve domain will be equal to sum of distanes between the control points (in the order they are provided) in the specified metric. For example, if Metric is set to Points, then curve domain will be from 0 to number of points.
This node has the following input:
Vertices. The points through which it is required to plot the curve. This input is mandatory.

This node has the following parameters:
Cyclic. If checked, the node will generate a cyclic (closed) curve. Unchecked by default.

Concatenate. If checked, the node will generate one Curve object that passes through all provided vertices. Otherwise, the node will generate a separate Curve object for each edge. Checked by default.

Metric. This parameter is available in the N panel only. This defines the metric used to calculate curve’s T parameter values corresponding to specified curve points. The available values are:
Points (just number of points from the beginning)
The default value is Euclidean.
This node has the following output:
Curve. The generated curve.
Examples of usage¶
Polyline through some random points:

Generator-> Random Vector
Viz-> Viewer Draw Surface
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
The same with Cyclic checked:

These examples had Metric set to Euclidean (default). Since Eval Curve node generates evenly-distributed values of the T parameter, the number of points at each segment is proportional to the distance between points. The next example is with Metric set to Points.
In this case, number of points at each segment is the same.

Generator-> Random Vector
Viz-> Viewer Draw Surface
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve