Geo Nodes Viewer¶
The node generates object with given mesh and applies given Geometry Nodes modifier. The use case of this node is to create efficient viewers with help of Geometry Nodes. Currently it can replace more than tens of nodes which generate mesh, curves or instances (see Examples section).
Usually add-on developers use Blender Python API to generate different types of data blocks. But for the last several years Geometry Nodes became much more powerful than Blender API mean while the API remained unchanged. So instead of hardcoding and improving existing viewers it’s a logical step to delegate this to users. Using this node is much more efficient and flexible than existing users except Mesh Viewer because they share the same code to generate objects.
When a Geometry Nodes node group is assigned to the node it generates extra sockets for each extra input of the node group. If the generated sockets are not connected they pass single value otherwise they pass a field of values if possible. The domain of field can be selected by a property drawn on a connected socket (only for Vertices, Values and Colors). If, after assigning a node group, its input sockets were changed the node input sockets can be updated by a button drawn near the name of the tree.
Important thing to remember is that only real data is vertices, edges and faces. Everything else is just attributes of this elements or single values. It means if you want to pass certain amount of data it should be controlled by number of vertices, edges or faces. You can’t create an object by the node and copy it into certain position because number of passed positions is limited either by the number of vertices or edges or faces. See the Examples the way of how to achieve this.
The node adds Geometry Nodes modifier to generated geometry. It’s possible to add more modifiers to the object. But if the name of modifier will be changed the node wont be able to distinguish it and will create a new one.
Viz -> Geo Nodes Viewer
arbitrary inputs
- Live Update
The node only works when the option is on.
- Show Objects
Similar to Hide in Viewport option in the Outliner.
- Select Objects
To make objects selectable.
- Render Objects
Similar to Disable in Renders option in th Outliner.
- Base Data Name
Base name for generated objects.
- Modifier
Geometry Nodes modifier to assign to generated objects
- Fast Mesh Update
It tries to update mesh in fast way. It can’t update mesh properly in some conner cases. So it should be disabled.

Using the node as a Mesh Viewer¶

Recreating logic of current Curve Viewer node¶

Polyline viewer. Extra properties can be added in GN tree optionally.¶

Typography Viewer.¶

Skin Masher Viewer.¶

The Geometry Node group of Skin Masher Viewer also can be used for generating Metaballs. It does not generate exectly metaballs but the result looks close.¶

Bezier and NURBS Curve Out Viewers.¶

NURBS Surface Out Viewer.¶

Object Instancer node. Unlink original node Geo Nodes Viewer does not generate extra objects and all meshes are generated in single object. This is much more efficient approach.¶

Dupli Instanser node.¶