Voronoi on Mesh¶
This node requires SciPy library to work.
This node creates Voronoi diagram on a given mesh, from specified set of initial points (sites). More specifically, it subdivides the mesh into regions of such Voronoi diagram. It is possible to subdivide:
either surface of the mesh, generating a series of flat meshes,
or the volume of the mesh, generating a series of closed-body meshes. In this mode, it is required that the mesh represents a closed volume.
This node has the following inputs:
Vertices. Vertices of the mesh to generate Voronoi diagram on. This input is mandatory.
Polygons. Faces of the mesh to generate Voronoi diagram on. This input is mandatory.
Voronoi Sites. The points to generate Voronoi diagram for. Usually you want for this points to lie either inside the mesh or on it’s surface, but this is not necessary. This input is mandatory. If list of Voronoi sites is Zero length then source object will not processed and transfer it params to output sockets.
Mask of sites. List of True/False or indexes. What Sites will be show in result.
invert Invert list Mask of Sites.
Spacing. Percent of space to leave between generated fragment meshes. Zero means do not leave any space, i.e. regions will fully cover initial mesh. The default value is 0. This input can consume either a single value per object, or a list of values per object - one value per site. In the later case, each value will be used for corresponding cell.

The list of values per object - one value per site:

This node has the following parameters:
Mode. The available options are:
Split Volume. Split closed-volume mesh into smaller closed-volume mesh regions.
Split Surface. Split the surface of a mesh into smaller flat meshes.
The default value is Split Volume.

Correct normals. This parameter is available only when Mode parameter is set to Volume. If checked, then the node will make sure that all normals of generated meshes point outside. Otherwise, this is not guaranteed. Checked by default.

Post processing. This defines nesting structure of result meshes. The available options are:
Separate All Meshes. Separate the result meshes into individual meshes.
Keep Source Meshes. Keep parts of the source meshes as source meshes.
Join All Meshes. Join all results meshes into a single mesh.
Accuracy. This parameter is available in the N panel only. This defines the precision of mesh calculation (number of digits after decimal point). The default value is 6.

This node has the following outputs:
Vertices. Vertices of generated mesh.
Edges. Edges of generated mesh.
Faces. Faces of generated mesh.
Used Sites idx. Indices of sources sites for further using (after apply Mask of sites). (from sverchok 1.3-alpha-master)
Used Sites Verts. Values of used sites. Keep of source struct of input socket “Voronoi sites” lists (after apply Mask of sites). (from sverchok 1.3-alpha-master)
Text-> Stethoscope
Addition info¶
From version of sverchok 1.3.0-alpha sites can be any configurations: Line, Plane, Circle, Sphere
Generator-> Plane
Generator-> Line
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Generator-> Plane
Generator-> Cylinder
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Generator-> NGon
Generator-> Cylinder
Transform-> Rotate
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Generator-> Cylinder
Generator-> IcoSphere
Transform-> Rotate
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Example of usage¶

Generator-> Box
Spatial-> Populate Mesh
Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Inset Faces
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> Subdivide
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip6JI6Qiiwg
Generator-> Plane
Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Inset Faces
Number-> Curve Mapper
LEN, DIV, MUL: Number-> Scalar Math
List->List Struct-> List Item
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Scene-> Particles MK2
Like the previous example but node “Particle System” replaced by node “Spiral”:
Generator-> Plane
Generator->Generatots Extended-> Spiral
Curves-> Cubic Spline
Curves-> Reparametrize Curve
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Inset Faces
Number-> A Number
Number-> A Number
Number-> Map Range
Number-> Curve Mapper
LEN, DIV, MUL: Number-> Scalar Math
List->List Struct-> List Item
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Scene-> Frame Info
blend file: https://github.com/nortikin/sverchok/files/12342712/Voronoi.Tower.006.blend.zip
See also example¶
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Springs Force