Mesh Smoothed Surface Field¶
This node requires SciPy library to work.
This node generates a Scalar Field, which has value of zero at some “key” points of a given mesh, and value of 1 at the ends of normals of the mesh at these points. Points to be considered as “key” can be mesh’s vertices, middle points of edges, and centers of faces. Between the described points, the field is interpolated by use of RBF method. Depending on “smooth” parameter, the generated field can be approximating rather than interpolating.
The field generated by this rule has it’s iso-surface at zero level in a general shape of the source mesh, but smoothed.
With real mesh you can get very funny results:
Generator-> Box
Surfaces-> Marching Cubes
Matrix-> Matrix Apply to Mesh
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Scene-> Get Objects Data
This node has the following inputs:
Vertices. The vertices of the source mesh. This input is mandatory.
Edges. The edges of the source mesh.
Faces. The faces of the source mesh. This input is mandatory.
Epsilon. Epsilon parameter of used RBF function; it affects the shape of generated field. The default value is 1.0.
Smooth. Smoothness parameter of used RBF function. If this is zero, then the field will have exactly the specified values in all provided points; otherwise, it will be only an approximating field. The default value is 0.0.
Scale. This defines the distance along the normals of the mesh, at which the field should have the value of 1. The default value is 1.0.
This node has the following parameters:
Function. The specific function used by the node. The available values are:
The default function is Multi Quadric.
Use Vertices. If checked, then the generated scalar field will have value of zero at locations of mesh’s vertices. Checked by default.
Use Edges. If checked, then the generated scalar field will have value of zero at middle points of mesh’s edges. Unchecked by default.
Use Faces. If checked, then the generated scalar field will have value of zero at centers of mesh’s faces. Unchecked by default.
This node has the following output:
Field. The generated scalar field.
Example of Usage¶
Generator-> NGon
Generator-> Box
Surfaces-> Marching Cubes
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Vertices/Matrix
CAD-> Inset Special
Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Polygon to Edges
Viz-> Viewer Draw
In combination with “Marching Cubes” node this can be used to generate a smoothened version of the source mesh:

Generator-> Box
Bounds: Generator-> Box
Surfaces-> Marching Cubes
Viz-> Viewer Draw