Arc 3pt (Curve)


This node generates a Curve object, which represent a circular arc, going through the three specified points. The node also outputs key properties of such an arc: center, radius and angle.

See also:


This node has the following inputs:

  • Point1. The first point to draw an arc through. The default value is (0, 0, 0).

  • Point2. The second point to draw an arc through. The default value is (1, 0, 0).

  • Point3. The third point to draw an arc through. The default value is (0, 1, 0).


This node has the following parameter:

  • Join. If checked, the node will output a flat (level 1) list of Curve objects, even if the inputs contain a list of lists of points (level 3 list). Otherwise, the node will output list of lists of Curves in such situation. Checked by default.


This node has the following outputs:

  • Arc. The arc curve object.

  • Circle. A circle curve - the same as in the Arc output, but this curve goes the whole 360 degrees.

  • Center. The matrix which defines the location of arc’s center, and the orientation of the arc. The Z axis of this matrix always looks along the normal of the arc plane. The X axis of this matrix always looks towards the first point of arc (one which is provided in the Point1 input).
  • Radius. The radius of the arc.

  • Angle. The angle of the arc, in radians.

Example of usage

Build an arc via three points, and visualize it’s center matrix: