Iso U/V Curve¶
This node generates a curve on the surface, which is defined by setting either U or V surface parameter to some fixed value and letting the other parameter slide along it’s domain.
If input surface is a NURBS surface, then the node will try to output NURBS curves.
Surfaces-> Sphere (Surface)
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
This node has the following inputs:
Surface. The surface to generate curves on. This input is mandatory.
Value. The value of U or V surface parameter to generate curve at. The default value is 0.5.
This node has the following parameter:
Join. If checked, the node will output a single flat list of Curve objects for all sets of input parameters. Otherwise, it will output a separate list of Curve objects for each set of input parameters. Checked by default.
This node has the following outputs:
UCurve. The curve obtained by setting the U parameter of the surface to Value and letting V slide along it’s domain. So, this curve is elongated along surface’s V direction.
VCurve. The curve obtained by setting the V parameter of the surface to Value and letting U slide along it’s domain. So, this curve is elongated along surface’s U direction.
Example of usage¶
Generate some surface and then draw curves along it’s V direction:

Generator-> NGon
Generator-> Segment
Curves->Curve Primitives-> Polyline
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Surfaces-> Surface from Curves
Surfaces-> Evaluate Surface
Transform-> Rotate
Transform-> Matrix Apply (verts)
Number-> Random Num Gen
List->List Struct-> List Split
Viz-> Viewer Draw