Curve Frame¶

This node calculates a reference frame of a curve (also known as Frenet frame) for the given value of curve’s T parameter. Basically, the node allows one to place some object at the curve, by aligning the object with curve’s “natural” orientation.

Note 1: Frenet frame of the curve rotates around curve’s tangent according to curve’s own torsion. Thus, if you place something by this frame, the result can be somewhat twisted. If you want to minimize the twist, you may wish to use Zero-Twist Frame node.

Note 2: it is not possible to correctly calculate Frenet frame of the curve at points where it has zero curvature (or at straight segments of the curve). The node will give an error or produce invalid output in such cases.

This node has the following inputs:
Curve. The curve to calculate frame for. This input is mandatory.
T. The value of curve’s T parameter. The default value is 0.5.

This node has the following parameters:
Join. If checked, the node will output the single list of matrices, joined from any number of input curves provided. Otherwise, the node will output a separate list of matrices for each input curve. Checked by default.

On zero curvature. This parameter is only available in the N panel. This defines what the node should do if it is instructed to calculate curve frame at the point where curve has zero curvature. The available options are:
Raise error. The node will raise an error (become red) and will not process such input.
Arbitrary frame. The node will return some arbitrary frame, with only guaranteed property of having Z axis parallel to curve’s tangent (two other axes will be chosen arbitrarily).
The default option is Raise error.

This node has the following outputs:
Matrix. The matrix defining the Frenet frame for the curve at the specified value of T parameter. The location component of the matrix is the point of the curve. Z axis of the matrix points along curve’s tangent.
Normal. The direction of curve’s main normal at the specified value of T parameter.
Binormal. The direction of curve’s binormal at the specified value of T parameter.

Examples of usage¶
Visualize curve’s frame at some points:

Generator-> Random Vector
Curves-> Cubic Spline
Curves-> Cubic Domain
Number-> Number Range
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Use these frames to put cubes along the curve, aligning them along curve’s natural orientation:

Generator-> Box
Generator-> Random Vector
Curves-> Cubic Spline
Curves-> Cubic Domain
Number-> Number Range
Viz-> Viewer Draw