Merge by Distance¶

This merges vertices that are closer that a defined threshold, as do same-named command in blender.
Distance. Remove distance
FaceData. List containing an arbitrary data item for each face of input mesh. For example, this may be used to provide material indexes of input mesh faces. Optional input.
Mask. Vector mask to select the affected vertices
Param |
Type |
Default |
Description |
Distance |
Float |
0.001 |
Maximum distance to weld vertices |
This node has the following outputs:
Doubles. Vertices, that were deleted.
FaceData. List containing data items from the FaceData input, which contains one item for each output mesh face.
Mask The inputted mask after the merge. (Removed the mask indexes of the deleted vertices)
Examples of usage¶

Number-> List Input
List->List Main-> List Length
List-> Index To Mask
Text-> Stethoscope

Generator-> IcoSphere
Viz-> Viewer Draw

Generator-> Plane
Analyzers-> Select Mesh Elements
Viz-> Viewer Draw

Generator-> Torus
Analyzers-> Select Mesh Elements
Analyzers-> Proportional Edit Falloff
Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Smooth Vertices
Number-> A Number
Vector-> Vector Lerp
Vector-> Vector Polar Input
Vector-> Vector In
NOT: Logic-> Logic Functions
Viz-> Viewer Draw