Ortho Project on Curve¶
This node requires SciPy library to work.
This node finds an orthogonal projection of a point onto a curve, i.e. a point on a curve, such that the vector connecting the provided point and the point on curve is perpendicular to the curve.
The node uses a numerical method to find such point, so it may be not very fast. If you happen to know how to find such point for your specific curve by formulas, that way will be faster and more precise.
This node has the following inputs:
Curve. The curve to find an orthogonal projection at. This input is mandatory.
Point. The point to find an orthogonal projection for. The default value is
(0, 0, 0)
This node has the following parameters:
Nearest. If checked, then the node will search for the nearest of orthogonal projections if there are several of them. If there are several nearest points, the node will return any of them (not guaranteed which one). Otherwise, the node will return all orthogonal projections. Checked by default.
Init resolution. This parameter is available only in the N panel. At the first stage of the algorithm, the node subdivides the curve in N segments, and then searches for orthogonal projection at each of them by a numerical method. The more segments you take, the less work will be for numerical method, by the more time will it spend at this first step. The default value is 5. In most simple cases, you do not have to change this value.
This node has the following outputs:
Point. The point on a curve in 3D space.
T. The value of curve’s T parameter corresponding to that point.
Example of usage¶
Take points on a straight line and project them to some curve:

Generator-> Segment
Vector-> Vector In
Vector-> Vector sort
Curves-> RBF Curve
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Scene-> Objects In Lite
Generator-> Segment
Transform-> Matrix Apply (verts)
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Scene-> Bezier Input
Scene-> Get Objects Data