Fillet Polyline¶

This node generates a filleted polyline curve, i.e. a curve consisting of segments of straight lines and circular arcs to connect them. The curve may be closed or not.

The curve is generated by plotting a polyline through the points, and then rounding all corners by replacing them with circular arc.
Instead of circular arcs, the node can generate segments of quadratic Bezier curves. This option can be useful, for example, if one of nodes applied later can not handle rational NURBS curves.
Curve domain / parametrization specifics: depends on Even domains parameter. If checked, then each straight segment, as well as each arc, will be given a domain of length 1.0; so the total domain of the curve will be equal to number of all segments - straight and circular. If not checked, then each straight segment will be given a domain equal to segment’s lengths, and each arc will be given a domain equal to it’s angle.
This node has the following input:
Vertices. The points controlling the curve; the polyline will go through these points, and then will be filleted. This input is mandatory.

Radius. Fillet arc radius. This input can be provided with separate radius for each control point. The default value is 0.2.

This node has the following parameters:
Fillet mode. This defines the type of curve to be used for fillets. The available options are:
Circular arc.
Quadratic Bezier arc.
The default option is Circular arc.

Concatenate. If checked, then all straight and arc segments will be concatenated into a single curve. Otherwise, each segment will be output as a separate curve object. Checked by default.

Even domains. If checked, give each segment a domain of length 1. This parameter is only available if Concatenate parameter is checked. Unchecked by default.

Cyclic. If checked, the node will generate a cyclic (closed) curve. Unchecked by default.

Clamp. If checked, fillet will be limited to the maximum radius

This node has the following outputs:
Curve. The generated curve (or curves).
Centers. Centers of circles used to make fillet arcs. These are matrices, since this output provides not only centers, but also orientation of the circles.

Examples of usage¶
Filleted polyline through some random points:

Generator-> Random Vector
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
The same but with Cyclic and Clamp parameters checked:

Generator-> Random Vector
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
Viz-> Viewer Draw
The same but with Even domains checked:

Generator-> Random Vector
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
Viz-> Viewer Draw
In the last case, the number of points at each straight segment and arc segment is the same, since Eval Curve node generates evenly-spaced values of the T parameter.