Rounded box¶

See the BlenderArtists thread by original author Phymec. This node merely encapsulates the code into a form that works for Sverchok. Internally the main driver is the amount of input vectors, each vector represents the x y z dimensions of a box. Each box can have unique settings. If fewer parameters are provided than sizes, then a default or the last parameter is repeated.
Inputs & Parameters¶
name |
type |
info |
radius |
single value or list |
radius of corner fillets |
arc div |
single value or list |
number of divisions in the fillet |
lin div |
single value or list |
number of internal divisions on straight parts ( |
Vector Size |
single vector or list |
x y z dimensions for each box |
div type |
3way switch, integers |
just corners, corners and edges, all |
odd axis align |
0..1 on or off |
internal rejiggery, not sure. |
Depending on how many objects the input asks for, you get a Verts and Polygons list of rounded box representations.

Number-> A Number
Number-> Random Num Gen
MUL X, ADD X, /2: Number-> Scalar Math
Vector-> Vector In
Vector-> Vector Out
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw

Generator-> Line
Number-> A Number
Number-> Float to Integer
MUL X: Number-> Scalar Math
Number-> Random Num Gen
List->List Struct-> List Split
List->List Struct-> List Slice
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Text-> Stethoscope
Round Cube, real Quadsphere, Capsule (snipped thread title):