
Functionality is almost completely analogous to the two built-in blender operators
and object.ray_cast
Ray is casted from “start” vector to “end” vector and can hit polygons of input objects.
see docs: bpy.types.Object.ray_cast and bpy.types.Scene.ray_cast
Input sockets¶
Verts - Vectors of objects receiving rays
Faces - Faces of objects receiving rays
Start - Start position of raytracing
Direction - Direction of raytracing

Output sockets¶
socket name |
description |
Location |
Hit location for every raycast |
Normal |
Normal of hit polygon |
Index |
index of hit polygon |
Distance |
Distance between start point and hit location |
Success |

Advanced parameters (N-Panel)¶
All Triangles: Enable if all the incoming faces are triangles to improve the performance of the algorithm
Safe Check: Checks the mesh for unreferenced polygons (slows the node but prevents some Blender crashes)

Generator-> Sphere
Number-> Number Range
Vector-> Vector Polar Input
SUB: Vector-> Vector Math
Viz-> Viewer Draw

Replay with new nodes

Generator-> Plane
Transform-> Matrix Apply (verts)
Analyzers-> Distance Point Plane
Analyzers-> Origins
CAD-> Intersect Edges
CAD-> Planar Edgenet to Faces
Analyzer-> Mesh Filter
Modifiers->Modifier Change-> Delete Loose
Analyzers-> Distance Point Plane
Viz-> Viewer Draw
SUB, NEG: Vector-> Vector Math
Matrix-> Matrix In
Matrix-> Matrix Out
Scene-> Objects In Lite
Scene-> Get Objects Data