Apply Field to Curve¶
This node generates a Curve object by taking another Curve and “bending” it according to some Vector Field. More precisely, it generates a curve, each point of which is calculated as x + Coefficient * VectorPoint(x).
Optionally, for NURBS and NURBS-like curves, this node can apply a Vector Fields to control points of NURBS curve, instead of applying to all points of the curve. Such mode is supported for the following types of curves:
NURBS curves
Bezier curves
Cubic splines
Circular arcs
Line segments
Some nodes, that output complex curves composed from simple curves (for example, “Rounded rectangle”), have NURBS output parameter; when it is checked, such nodes output NURBS curves, so “Apply Field to Curve” can work with them.
If this mode is enabled, then output curve will be always a NURBS curve.
Note that mathematically, for NURBS and Bezier curves, if you apply an affine transformation (such as translation, scale, rotation - i.e. vector field defined by a Matrix) to control points of a NURBS curve, you will have a curve of exactly the same shape, but translated / scaled / rotated according to the transformation. For any more complex transformation (attractor field, for example), the resulting curve will have different shape; and also it will be different from a curve that you would receive if you applied the vector field to all points of the curve instead.
Curve domain: the same as the domain of curve being deformed.
This node has the following inputs:
Field. Vector field to be applied to the curve. This input is mandatory.
Curve. Curve to be “bent” by vector field. This input is mandatory.
Coefficient. Vector field application coefficient (0 means vector field will have no effect). The default value is 1.0.
This node has the following parameter:
Use Control Points. If checked, then the vector field will be applied to control points of a NURBS curve, instead of applying it to all points of the curve. This node will fail (become red) if this mode is enabled, but input curve is not a NURBS and can not be presented as a NURBS. If not checked, then the node will apply the vector fields to all points of the curve; in such a case, it can process any type of curve. Disabled by default.
This node has the following output:
Curve. The curve modified by vector field.
Example of usage¶
Several Line curves modified by Noise vector field:

Generator-> NGon
Curves->Curve Primitives-> Line (Curve)
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Fields-> Noise Vector Field
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Apply Attractor field to control points of a NURBS curve. Control polygon of a resulting curve is indicated with red:

Curves-> Interpolate NURBS Curve
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Curves->Curve NURBS-> Deconstruct Curve
Fields-> Attractor Field
Vector-> Vector sort
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Scene-> Objects In Lite
If we apply the same curve to all points of curve (disable “Use control points” mode), we will have different curve: