Cubic Spline¶

This node generates a cubic spline interpolating curve, i.e. a 3rd degree curve which goes through the specified vertices. The curve can be closed or not.

Curve domain is always from 0 to 1. The parametrization depends on Metrics parameter.
This node has the following input:
Vertices. The points through which it is required to plot the curve. This input is mandatory.
This node has the following parameters:
Cyclic. If checked, the node will generate a cyclic (closed) curve. Unchecked by default.

Metric. This parameter is available in the N panel only. This defines the metric used to calculate curve’s T parameter values corresponding to specified curve points. The available values are:
Points (just number of points from the beginning)
Centripetal (square root of Euclidean distance)
X, Y, Z axis - use distance along one of coordinate axis, ignore others.
The default value is Euclidean.
This node has the following output:
Curve. The generated curve.
Examples of usage¶
Smooth curve through some random points:

Generator-> Random Vector
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
The same with Cyclic checked:

These examples had Metric set to Euclidean (default). Since Eval Curve node generates evenly-distributed values of the T parameter, the number of points at each segment is proportional to the distance between points. The next example is with Metric set to Points:

In this case, number of points at each segment is the same.