Component Analyzer¶

This node allows to get the related data to mesh elements (vertices, edges and faces)
This node has the following inputs:
This node has the following parameters:
Mode. This parameter defines what elements are you interested: Vertices, Edges or Faces.
Operator. Criteria type to apply. Supported criteria set depends on Mode:
For Vertices supported criteria are:
Normal. Vertices normal vector. Offers different calculation methods:
Bmesh (standard Blender)
Mean Weighted Equally (Faster)
Mean Weighted Based on Triangle Area
Mean Weighted Edge Length Reciprocal
Mean Weighted by Sine
Matrix: Matrix aligned with normal.
Sharpness: Curvature of mesh in vertex.
Adjacent Edges: Adjacent edges.
Adjacent Faces: Adjacent faces.
Adjacent Edges num: Number of Adjacent edges.
Adjacent Faces num: Number of Adjacent faces.
Adjacent Edges Idx: Index of Adjacent edges.
Adjacent Faces Idx: Index of adjacent faces.
Edges Angle: Angle between this vert’s two connected edges.
Is Boundary: Is Vertex on mesh borders.
Is Manifold: Is Vertex part of the Manifold.
Is Wire: Is vertex only connected by edges.
Is Interior: Is Vertex on mesh interior.
For Edges, supported criteria are:
Geometry. Geometry of each edge. (explode).
Direction. Normalized edge direction.
Center. Edges Midpoint.
Origin. Edges First point.
End. Edges End point.
Normal. Edge Normal.
Matrix. Matrix aligned with edge.
Matrix Normal. Matrix aligned with edge and edge normal (needs faces).
Length. Edge length.
Sharpness. Average of curvature of mesh in edges vertices.
Face Angle. Edges faces angle.
Inverted. Reversed edges.
Adjacent faces. Adjacent faces.
Connected edges. Edges connected to each edge.
Adjacent faces Num. Adjacent faces number.
Connected edges Num. Connected edges number.
Adjacent faces Idx. Adjacent faces Index.
Connected edges Idx. Connected edges Index.
Is Boundary. Is Edge on mesh borders.
Is Interior. Is Edge part of manifold.
Is Contiguous. Is Edge contiguous.
Is Convex. Is Edge Convex.
Is Concave. Is Edge Concave.
Is Wire. Has no related faces.
For Faces, supported criteria are:
Geometry. Geometry of each face. (explode)
- Center. Center of each face.
Center Bounds. Center of bounding box of faces.
Center Median. Mean of vertices of each face.
Center Median Weighted. Mean of vertices of each face weighted by edges length.
Normal. Normal of faces.
Normal Absolute. Median Center + Normal.
- Tangent Tangent.
Tangent edge. Face tangent based on longest edge.
Tangent edge diagonal. Face tangent based on the edge farthest from any vertex.
Tangent edge pair. Face tangent based on the two longest disconnected edges.
Tangent vert diagonal. Face tangent based on the two most distant vertices.
Center-Origin. Face tangent based on the mean center and first corner.
Matrix. Matrix aligned with face.
Area. Area of faces.
Perimeter. Perimeter of faces.
Sides Number. Sides of faces.
Adjacent Faces Num. Number of Faces that share a vertex with face.
Neighbor Faces Num. Number of Faces that share a edge with face.
Sharpness. Average of curvature of mesh in faces vertices.
Inverse. Reversed Polygons (Flipped).
Edges. Face Edges.
Adjacent Faces. Faces that share a edge with face.
Neighbor Faces. Faces that share a vertex with face.
Adjacent Faces Idx. Index of Faces that share a vertex with face.
Neighbor Faces Idx. Index of Faces that share a edge with face.
Is Boundary. Is the face boundary or interior.
Output Parameters: Depending on output nature (if offers multiple results per component or single result) the node offers one of this parameters.
Split Output. Split the result to get one object per result [[0, 1], [2]] –> [[0], [1], [2]]
Wrap Output. Keeps original data shape [Matrix, Matrix, Matrix] –> [[Matrix, Matrix], [Matrix]]
Some routines offer Output Numpy property to output numpy arrays in stead of regular python lists (making the node faster)
Vertices normal vector. Offers different calculation methods:
Bmesh (standard Blender). Slower (Legacy)
Mean Weighted Equally (Faster)
Mean Weighted Based on Triangle Area
Mean Weighted Edge Length Reciprocal
Mean Weighted by Sine

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Matrix aligned with normal.

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Curvature of mesh in vertex.

Vertices - Adjacent Edges¶

Vertices - Adjacent Faces¶

Vertices - Adjacent Edges num¶
Number of Adjacent edges.

Vertices - Adjacent Faces num¶
Number of adjacent faces.

Vertices - Adjacent Edges Idx¶
Index of Adjacent edges.

Vertices - Adjacent Faces Idx¶
Index of adjacent faces.

Vertices - Edges Angle¶
Angle between this vert’s two connected edges. Else return -1.

Vertices - Is Boundary¶
Is Vertex on mesh borders.

Vertices - Is Manifold¶
Is Vertex part of the Manifold.

Vertices - Is Wire¶
Is vertex only connected by edges.

Vertices - Is Interior¶
Is Vertex on mesh interior.

Edges - Geometry¶
Geometry of each edge. (explode).

Edges - Direction¶
Normalized edge direction.

Edges - Center¶
Edges Midpoint.

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Edges - Origin¶
Edges First point.

Edges - End¶
Edges End point.

Edges - Normal¶
Edge Normal

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Edges - Matrix¶
Matrix aligned with edge.

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Edges - Matrix Normal¶
Matrix aligned with edge and edge normal (needs faces).

Edges - Length¶
Edge length.

Edges - Sharpness¶
Average of curvature of mesh in edges vertices.

Transform-> Noise Displace

Edges - Face Angle¶
Edges faces angle.

Transform-> Noise Displace
Edges - Inverted¶
Reversed edges.

Edges - Adjacent faces¶
Adjacent faces.

Edges - Connected edges¶
Edges connected to each edge.

List-> Mask Converter
Edges - Adjacent faces Num¶
Adjacent faces number.

Edges - Connected edges Num¶
Connected edges number.

Edges - Adjacent faces Idx¶
Adjacent faces Index.

Edges - Connected edges Idx¶
Connected edges Index.

Edges - Is Boundary¶
Is Edge on mesh borders.

Edges - Is Interior¶
Is Edge part of manifold.

Edges - Is Contiguous¶
Is Edge contiguous.

Edges - Is Convex¶
Is Edge Convex.

Edges - Is Concave¶
Is Edge Concave. (It is opposite of Convex)

Edges - Is Wire¶
Has no related faces.

Faces - Geometry¶
Geometry of each face. (explode)

Faces - Center¶
Center Bounds. Center of bounding box of faces.
Center Median. Mean of vertices of each face.
Center Median Weighted. Mean of vertices of each face weighted by edges length.

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Faces - Normal¶
Normal of faces.

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Faces - Normal Absolute¶
Median Center + Normal.

Faces - Tangent¶
Tangent edge. Face tangent based on longest edge.
Tangent edge diagonal. Face tangent based on the edge farthest from any vertex.
Tangent edge pair. Face tangent based on the two longest disconnected edges.
Tangent vert diagonal. Face tangent based on the two most distant vertices.
Center-Origin. Face tangent based on the mean center and first corner.

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Faces - Matrix¶
Matrix aligned with face.

See also:
Analyzers-> Origins
Faces - Area¶
Area of faces

See also:
Analyzers-> Area
Faces - Perimeter¶
Perimeter of faces

Faces - Sides Number¶
Sides of faces

Faces - Adjacent Faces Num¶
Faces that share a edge with face.

Faces - Neighbor Faces Num¶
Number of Faces that share a edge with face.

Faces - Sharpness¶
Average of curvature of mesh in faces vertices.

Faces - Inverse¶
Reversed Polygons (Flipped).

Faces - Edges¶
Face Edges.

Faces - Adjacent Faces¶
Faces that share a edge with face.

Faces - Neighbor Faces¶
Faces that share a vertex with face.

Faces - Adjacent Faces Idx¶
Index of Faces that share a vertex with face.

Faces - Neighbor Faces Idx¶
Index of Faces that share a edge with face.

Faces - Is Boundary¶
Is the face boundary or interior

Example of usage¶
Component Matrix:

Analyzers-> Bounding Box
Generator-> Torus
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Vertices/Matrix
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Edges/Matrix Normal
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Faces/Matrix
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Component Sharpness:

Analyzers-> Bounding Box
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Vertices/Sharpness
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Edges/Sharpness
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Faces/Sharpness
Matrix-> Matrix In
LESS, BIG Logic-> Logic Functions
List-> List Mask (Out)
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Adjacent Edges, Faces Angle and Neighbor Faces Num:

Analyzers-> Bounding Box
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Vertices/Adjacent Edges Num
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Edges/Face Angle
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Faces/Neighbor Faces Num
Matrix-> Matrix In
LESS, BIG: Logic-> Logic Functions
List-> List Mask (Out)
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Edge Tools:

Generator-> IcoSphere
Generator-> 2pt Quadratic Spline
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Edges/Origin
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Edges/End
Analyzers-> Component Analyzer/Edges/Center
MUL, ADD: Vector-> Vector Math
Viz-> Viewer Draw