Scalar Field Math¶
This node generates a Scalar Field by executing one of supported mathematical operations on the Scalar Fields provided as inputs.
This node has the following inputs:
FieldA. The first scalar field. The input is mandatory when available.
FieldB. The second scalar field. The input is mandatory when available.
This node has the following parameter:
Operation. This defines the mathematical operation to perform. The available operations are:
Add. Add two scalar fields.
Sub. Subtract one scalar field from another.
Multiply. Multiply two scalar fields.
Minimum. Create a scalar field, the value of which is calculated as minimal of values of two scalar fields at the same point.
Maximum. Create a scalar field, the value of which is calculated as maximal of values of two scalar fields at the same point.
Average. Arithmetic mean (average) of two scalar fields - (A + B)/2.
Negate. Negate the scalar field values.
The node has the following output:
FieldC. The resulting scalar field.
Examples of usage¶
Generator-> Segment
Generator-> Box
Surfaces-> Marching Cubes
Fields-> Voronoi Field
Number-> A Number
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Example #1:

Generator-> IcoSphere
Fields-> Attractor Field
Fields-> Evaluate Scalar Field
Spacial-> Vector P Field
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Example #2:

Generator-> IcoSphere
Fields-> Attractor Field
Fields-> Noise Vector Field
Fields-> Vector Field Math
Fields-> Evaluate Scalar Field
Spacial-> Vector P Field
Number-> A Number
Viz-> Viewer Draw