Inset Faces¶

The node has similar functionality with Blender inset command, so it just insert face into face. In spite of Blender inset command the node can apply different values per face in most cases.

CAD -> Inset faces
Verts - vertices of base mesh.
Faces - edges of base mesh (optionally).
Edges - faces of base mesh.
Face data - any data related with given faces like material indexes (optionally).
Face mask - selection list to mark faces in which the node should insert faces, in all daces by default.
Thickness - Set the size of the offset. Can get multiple values - one value per face.
Depth - Raise or lower the newly inset faces to add depth. Can get multiple values - one value per face.
Verts - vertices
Edges - edges, one can generate them from faces.
Faces - faces.
Face data - give values according topological changes if face data was given via input socket else give indexes of old faces.
Mask - give selection mask according chosen option(s).

Number-> List Input
List-> Index To Mask
Parameters |
Type |
Description |
Individual / Region |
switch |
Switch between to modes |

N panel¶
Parameters |
Type |
Description |
Offset even |
bool |
Scale the offset to give a more even thickness |
Offset Relative |
bool |
Scale the offset by lengths of surrounding geometry |
Boundary |
bool |
Determines whether open edges will be inset or not |
Edge Rail |
bool |
Created vertices slide along the original edges of the inner geometry, instead of the normals |
Outset |
bool |
Create an outset rather than an inset. Causes the geometry to be created surrounding selection (instead of within) |
offset even:

Offset Relative


Inserting faces with different thickness per face:

Generator-> Plane
Number-> List Input
Number-> Number Range
List->List Struct-> List Shuffle
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Using face data node for setting color to faces:

Generator-> Plane
Number-> Number Range
Number-> Random Num Gen
Matrix-> Matrix In
Color-> Color In
List->List Main-> List Length
List->List Struct-> List Shuffle
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Mesh Viewer
BPY Data->Vertex Color MK3 (No in docs. TODO)
Mask can be used ofr filtering output mesh with list mask out node for example:

Generator-> Plane
Number-> Number Range
Number-> Random Num Gen
Matrix-> Matrix In
Color-> Color In
List->List Main-> List Length
List->List Struct-> List Shuffle
List-> List Mask (Out)
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Mesh Viewer
BPY Data->Vertex Color MK3 (No in docs. TODO)

Insert region mode can be used with multiple input values of thickness and depth but in this case sometimes result can be unexpected. The logic of work in this mode is next: mesh split into islands divided by faces with 0 values or 0 mask, then for each island average thickness and depth is calculated and then faces are inserted.
In this mode outset is not supported.
