Catmull-Clark Subdivision Node¶

This node applies [Catmull-Clark subdivision]( (as implemented by the [OpenSubdiv]( to the input mesh at the specified number of levels.

This node has the following inputs:
Vertices. Vertices of input mesh.
Faces. Faces of input mesh.
This node has the following parameters:
Levels. Maximum subdivision level to be applied to input mesh.

This node has the following outputs:
Vertices. All vertices of resulting mesh.
Edges. All edges of resulting mesh.
Faces. All faces of resulting mesh.
Note: Vertices and Faces inputs must be compatible, in that the Faces input may not refer to vertex indices that do not exist in the Vertices list (e.g. Faces cannot refer to vertex 7, provided a list of Vertices with only 5 vertices).
Unexpected behavior may occur if using Faces from one mesh with Vertices from another.
Examples of usage¶

Generator-> Box
Number-> Number Range
MUL: Number-> Scalar Math
Vector-> Vector In
Matrix-> Matrix In
Matrix Multiply: Matrix-> Matrix Math
Matrix Apply: Matrix-> Matrix Apply to Mesh
Viz-> Viewer Draw

Generator-> Box
Number-> A Number
Number-> Number Range
Transform-> Randomize
MUL: Number-> Scalar Math
Vector-> Vector In
Matrix-> Matrix In
Matrix Apply: Matrix-> Matrix Apply to Mesh
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Vector Test:

Generator-> Box
Number-> A Number
MUL: Number-> Scalar Math
Vector-> Vector In
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Many Bodies:

Generator-> Box
Number-> A Number
MUL, DIV: Number-> Scalar Math
Vector-> Vector In
Matrix-> Matrix In
List->List Main-> List Length
Color-> Color In
Color-> Color Ramp
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Level 0 Catmul-Clark Subdivision of NGons:

Generator-> Box
MUL, ADD: Number-> Scalar Math
Vector-> Vector In
Matrix-> Matrix In
Matrix-> Matrix Apply to Mesh
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Node Mute:

Generator-> Box
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw