Texture Displace¶

This node displaces a list of Vectors using a texture.
Inputs & Parameters¶
Parameters |
Description |
Direction |
Displacement direction. Available modes:
Texture Coord. |
Modes to match vertices and texture:
Channel |
Color channel to use as base of the displacement Offers:
Only in Normal, X, Y, Z, Custom Axis. |
Vertices |
Vertices of the mesh to displace |
Polygons |
Polygons of the mesh to displace |
Texture |
Texture(s) to use as base |
Scale Out |
Vector to multiply the added vector |
UV Coordinates |
Second set of vertices to be the UV coordinates of the mesh |
Mesh Matrix |
Matrix to multiply the vertices to get their UV coordinates |
Texture Matrix |
Matrix of external object to set where in global space is the origin location and rotation of texture |
Middle Level |
Texture Evaluation - Middle Level = displacement |
Strength |
Displacement multiplier |
Basic example

Generator-> Plane
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Multiple textures can be used with the help of the Object ID selector:

Generator-> Line
Generator-> Plane
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Text-> Stethoscope
BPY Data-> Object ID Selector+
When joining the texture list (to be [[texture, texture,…],[texture,…],…]) multiple textures can be used with a single mesh. (The node will match one texture per vertex)

Generator-> Segment
Generator-> Plane
Analyzers-> KDT Closest Verts
List->List Main-> List Join
List->List Struct-> List Item
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Text-> Stethoscope
BPY Data-> Object ID Selector+
“Axis Scale out” with multiply the effect multiplying each displace vector component-wise

Generator-> IcoSphere
Viz-> Viewer Draw
The Texture Matrix mode of “Texture Coordinates” will work as the Displace Modifier with the texture Coordinates set to Object

Generator-> Plane
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Matrix View
The Mesh Matrix mode of “Texture Coordinates” will work as the Displace Modifier with the texture Coordinates set to Global in which the Matrix is treated as the mesh matrix

Generator-> Plane
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Matrix View
The “UV” mode of “Texture Coordinates” will work as the Displace Modifier with the texture Coordinates set to UV in which the new set of vertices is used as the UV Coordinates of the first mesh

Generator-> Plane
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Matrix View
The node can use also “Image or Movie” textures

Generator-> Plane
Number-> A Number
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Matrix View
One matrix per point can be passed if the matrix list is wrapped, note that the “Flat Output” checkbox of the matrix in is un-checked

Generator-> Plane
Number-> Map Range
Vector-> Vector In
LEN: Vector-> Vector Math
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw