Curve Length Parameter¶
It worth reminding that a Curve object is defined as a function from some set of T values into some points in 3D space; and, since the function is more or less arbitrary, the change of T parameter is not always proportional to length of the path along the curve - in fact, it is rarely proportional. For many curves, small changes of T parameter can move a point a long way along the curve in one parts of the curve, and very small way in other parts.
This node calculates the point on the curve by it’s “length parameter” (also called “natural parameter”); i.e., for given number L, it calculates the point P on the curve such that the length of curve segment from beginning to P equals to L.
The node can also calculate many such points at once for evenly spaced values of L. This way, one can use this node to split the curve into evenly-sized segments.
The curve’s length is calculated numerically, by subdividing the curve in many straight segments and summing their lengths. The more segments you subdivide the curve in, the more precise the length will be, but the more time it will take to calculate. So the node gives you control on the number of subdivisions.
Round-N: Number-> Scalar Math
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Index+
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Text-> Stethoscope
Scene-> Bezier Input
This node has the following inputs:
Curve. The curve being measured. This input is mandatory.
Resolution. The number of segments to subdivide the curve in to calculate the length. The bigger the value, the more precise the calculation will be, but the more time it will take. The default value is 50.
Length. The value of length parameter to evaluate the curve at. The default value is 0.5. This input is available only if Mode parameter is set to Manual.
Samples. Number of length parameter values to calculate the curve points at. The node will calculate evenly spaced values of the length parameter from zero to the full length of the curve. The default value is 50. This input is only available if Mode parameter is set to By Count.
SegmentLength. This input is available only when Mode parameter is set to By Length. This allows to specify the length of each segment. Note that since the whole length of the curve is not necessarily an integer multiple of segment length, there can be some sort of rounding applied - see Rounding parameter. The default value is 1.0.
This node has the following parameters:
Mode. This defines how the values of length parameter will be provided. The available options are:
By Count. Values of length parameters will be calculated as evenly spaced values from zero to the full length of the curve. The number of the values is controlled by the Samples input.
By Length. Values of length parameters will be calculated as evenly spaced values from zero to the full length of the curve (or a bit less, see Rounding parameter). The length of each segment will be equal to the value of SegmentLength input (up to rounding); the number of segment will be calculated based on full curve length and segment length.
Manual. Values of length parameter will be provided in the Length input.
The default value is By Count.
Rounding. This parameter is available only when Mode parameter is set to By Length. This defines how actual lengths of curve segments will be calculated. The available options are:
Longer Segments. The node will calculate the number of segments by dividing full curve length by specified segment length and rounding this value down to nearest smaller integer. So, each segment’s length will be a bit more than the value specified in the SegmentLength input.
Shorter Segments. The node will calculate the number of segments by dividing full curve length by specified segment length and rounding this value up to nearest greater integer. So, each segments’ length will be a bit less than the value specified in the SegmentLength input.
Precise (Cut). The length of each segment will be set exactly to the value specified in the SegmentLength parameter. But then, near the end of curve, the last segment will be shorter than others - it’s length will be just what left, i.e. it’s length will be equal to remainder from dividing full curve length by segment length.
The default option is Longer Segments.
Interpolation mode. This defines the interpolation method used for calculating of points inside the segments in which the curve is split according to Resolution parameters. The available values are Cubic and Linear. Cubic methods gives more precision, but takes more time for calculations. The default value is Cubic. This parameter is available in the N panel only.
This node has the following outputs:
T. Values of curve’s T parameter which correspond to the specified values of length parameter.
Vertices. Calculated points on the curve which correspond to the specified values of length parameter.
Example of usage¶
Two exemplars of Archimedean spiral:

Curves-> Curve Formula
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Curves-> Evaluate Curve
Transform-> Move
Number-> A Number
Viz-> Viewer Draw
The one on the left is drawn with points according to evenly-spaced values of T parameter; the one of the right is drawn with points spread with equal length of the path between them.
Examples of By Length mode usage. For the blue curve, Longer segments rounding is used; for green curve, Shorter segments rounding is used; and for orange curve, Precise (Cut) rounding option is used.

Generator-> Line
Curves-> Interpolate NURBS Curve
Transform-> Randomize
Transform-> Move
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
Viz-> Viewer Draw