Matrix Tube¶

destination after Beta: Modifier Make
Makes a tube or pipe from a list of matrices. This node takes a list of matrices and a list of vertices as input. The vertices are joined together to form a ring. This ring is transformed by each matrix to form a new ring. Each ring is joined to the previous ring to form a tube.

Matrices - List of transform matrices.
Vertices - Vertices of ring. Usually from a “Circle” or “NGon” node
Vertices, Edges and Faces - These outputs will define the mesh of the tube that skins the input matrices.
Example of usage¶

Generator-> Plane
Number-> A Number
Number-> Number Range
Vector-> Vector In
Vector-> Vector sort
Matrix-> Matrix In
Vector-> Vector sort
Viz-> Viewer Draw

Generator-> Circle
Vector-> Vector In
Matrix-> Matrix Euler
Matrix-> Matrix Matrix Transform
Viz-> Viewer Draw