Evaluate Vector Field¶
This node calculates the values of the provided Vector Field at the given points. More precisely, given the field VF (which is a function from vectors to vectors), and point X, it calculates the vector VF(X).
This node has the following inputs:
Field. The vector field to be evaluated. This input is mandatory.
Vertices. The points at which to evaluate the field. The default value is (0, 0, 0).
Output NumPy. Outputs NumPy arrays in stead of regular python lists. Improves performance
Text-> Stethoscope
This node has the following output:
Vectors. The vectors calculated at the provided points.
Performance Notes¶
This node works faster when the vertices list are NumPy Arrays
Examples of usage¶
Example of description:
Generator-> Line
Generator-> NGon
Generator-> IcoSphere
Fields-> Attractor Field
Fields-> Vector Field Math
Fields-> Vector Field Lines
Number-> A Number
Vector-> Vector Polar Input
SUB: Vector-> Vector Math
Matrix-> Matrix In
Matrix-> Matrix Apply to Mesh
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Replace each point of straight line segment with the result of noise vector field evaluation at that point:

Generator-> Segment
Fields-> Noise Vector Field
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Visualize vector field vectors by connecting original points of the line segment and the points obtained by moving the original points by the results of vector field evaluation:

Generator-> Segment
Fields-> Noise Vector Field
Transform-> Move
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Viz-> Viewer Draw