Curve Lerp¶

This node generates a linear interpolation (“lerp”) between two curves. More precisely, it generates a curve, each point of which is calculated by linear interpolation of two corresponding points on two other curves.

If the coefficient value provided is outside [0 .. 1] range, then the node will calculate linear extrapolation instead of interpolation.

This node has the following inputs:
Curve1. The first curve. This input is mandatory.
Curve2. The second curve. This input is mandatory.
Coefficient. The interpolation coefficient. When it equals to 0, the resulting curve will be the same as Curve1. When the coefficient is 1.0, the resulting curve will be the same as Curve2. The default value is 0.5, which is something in the middle.

This node has the following output:
Curve. The interpolated curve.
Example of usage¶

Number-> Number Range
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
Scene-> Bezier Input
Several curves calculated as linear interpolation between half a circle and a straight line segment:

Number-> Number Range
Curves->Curve Primitives-> Line (Curve)
List->List Main-> List Join
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve