List Sort¶

Sort items from list. It should accept any type of data from Sverchok: Vertices, Strings (Edges, Polygons), Matrix, Curves, Surfaces, Fields or Blender data.
The node will sort the data based on the keys list. I not keys list is supplied the node will sort the data based in the data itself, note that this is only possible with numeric data.
Data: Any kind of data.
Keys: List with the desired order of the data (new positions)
Level: Set the level at which to observe the List. Level 1 is top level (totally zoomed out), higher levels get more granular (zooming in) until no higher level is found (atomic). The node will just sort the data at the level selected.
Data: Sorted data. Depends on incoming data and can be nested.

List->List Struct-> List Shuffle
Text-> Simple Text
Text-> String Tools
Text-> Stethoscope

Number-> List Input
Text-> Simple Text
Text-> String Tools
Text-> Stethoscope
Sorting a list of random numbers:

Number-> Random Num Gen
Text-> Stethoscope
Viz-> Viewer 2D
Sorting a List of Objects:

Scene-> Objects In Lite
Number-> List Input
Text-> Stethoscope
Sorting faces based on theirs center Z coordinate:

Generator-> Suzanne
CA: Faces Center: Analyzers-> Component Analyzer
Vector-> Vector Out
Text-> Stethoscope
Examples of sorting at different levels:

Number-> Random Num Gen
Generator-> Line
List->List Struct-> List Reverse
Text-> Stethoscope