
This node applies Blender’s Subdivide operation to the input mesh.

Please note that of options available differs from usual editing operator.

This node has the following inputs:
Edges. For this node to produce interesting result, this input must be provided.
FaceData. List containing an arbitrary data item for each face of input mesh. For example, this may be used to provide material indexes of input mesh faces. Optional input.
EdgeMask. Selected edges to be subdivided. Faces surrounded by subdivided edges can optionally be subdivided too.
Number of Cuts. Number of cuts per edge to make
Smooth. Displaces subdivisions to maintain approximate curvature
Fractal. Displaces the vertices in random directions after the mesh is subdivided
Along normal. Causes the vertices to move along the their normals, instead of random directions
Seed. Random seed
This node has the following parameters:
Show Old. If checked, then outputs with “old” geometry will be shown. By default not checked.
Show New. If checked, then outputs with newly created geometry will be shown. By default not checked.
Show Options. If checked, then following parameters will be shown on the node itself. Otherwise, they will be available only in the N panel. By default not checked.
Falloff. Smooth falloff type. Please refer to examples below for demonstration.
Corner cut type. This controls the way quads with only two adjacent selected edges are subdivided (see Blender docs ). Available values are:
Inner vertices. The selected edges are subdivided, then an edge is created between the two new vertices, creating a small triangle. This edge is also subdivided, and the “inner vertex” thus created is linked by another edge to the one opposite to the original selected edges. All this results in a quad subdivided in a triangle and two quads
Path. First an edge is created between the two opposite ends of the selected edges, dividing the quad in two triangles. Then, the same goes for the involved triangle as described above
Fan. The quad is subdivided in a fan of four triangles, the common vertex being the one opposite to the selected edges.
Straight Cut. The selected edges are subdivided, then an edge is created between the two new vertices, creating a small triangle and n-gon
Grid fill. If checked, then fully-selected faces will be filled with a grid (subdivided). Otherwise, only edges will be subdivided, not faces. Checked by default.
Only Quads. If checked, then only quad faces will be subdivided, other will not. By default not checked.
Single edge. If checked, tessellate the case of one edge selected in a quad or triangle. By default not checked.
Even smooth. Maintain even offset when smoothing. By default not checked.
Number of Cuts. Specifies the number of cuts per edge to make. By default this is 1, cutting edges in half. A value of 2 will cut it into thirds, and so on. This parameter can be also provided as input.
Smooth. Displaces subdivisions to maintain approximate curvature, The effect is similar to the way the Subdivision Surface Modifier might deform the mesh. This parameter can be also provided as input.
Fractal. Displaces the vertices in random directions after the mesh is subdivided. This parameter can be also provided as input.
Along normal. If set to 1, causes the vertices to move along the their normals, instead of random directions. Values between 0 and 1 lead to intermediate results. This parameter can be also provided as input.
Seed. Random seed. This parameter can be also provided as input.
Smooth Falloff:

Corner Type (red color - selected edges):


Options/ Even Smooth:


Fractal, Along Normal:

Advanced parameters¶
In the N-Panel (and on the right-click menu) you can find:
Output NumPy: Get NumPy arrays in stead of regular lists (makes the node slower but can make faster the next nodes). Available for Vertices, Edges and Pols
This node has the following outputs:
Vertices. All vertices of resulting mesh.
Edges. All edges of resulting mesh.
Faces. All faces of resulting mesh.
FaceData. List containing data items from the FaceData input, which contains one item for each output mesh face.
NewVertices. All vertices that were created by subdivision. This output is only visible when Show New parameter is checked.
NewEdges. Edges that were created by subdividing faces. This output is only visible when Show New parameter is checked.
NewFaces. Faces that were created by subdividing faces. This output is only visible when Show New parameter is checked.
OldVertices. Only vertices that were created on previously existing edges. This output is only visible when Show Old parameter is checked.
OldEdges. Only edges that were created by subdividing existing edges. This output is only visible when Show Old parameter is checked.
OldFaces. Only faces that were created by subdividing existing faces. This output is only visible when Show Old parameter is checked.
Note: Indicies in NewEdges, NewFaces, OldEdges, OldFaces outputs relate to vertices in Vertices output.

Examples of usage¶
The simplest example, subdivide a cube:

Generator-> Box
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Subdivide one face of a cube, with smoothing:

Generator-> Box
Analyzers-> Select Mesh Elements (By normal and direction)
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Subdivide a cube, with smooth falloff type = Smooth:

Generator-> Box
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Subdivide a torus, with smooth falloff type = Sphere:

Generator-> Torus
Viz-> Viewer Draw