Arc Start / End / Tangent¶

This node generates a Curve object, which represents a circular arc, given it’s starting point, end point and a tangent vector at the starting point. The node also outputs key properties of such an arc: center, radius and angle.

See also:
Curves-> Circle (Curve)
Curves-> Arc 3pt (Curve)
This node has the following inputs:
Start. Starting point of the arc. The default value is
(0, 0, 0)
.End. End point of the arc. The default value is
(1, 0, 0)
.Tangent. Tangent vector of the arc at the starting point. The default value is
(0, 1, 0)
. Note that the length of this vector does not matter, only direction is used.

This node has the following parameter:
Join. If checked, then the node will output single flat list of curves for all provided sets of points. Otherwise, there will be separate list of Curve objects generated for each list of input points. Checked by default.

This node has the following outputs:
Arc. The arc curve object.

Circle. A circle curve - the same as in the Arc output, but this curve goes the whole 360 degrees.

Center. The matrix which defines the location of arc’s center, and the orientation of the arc. The Z axis of this matrix always looks along the normal of the arc plane. The X axis of this matrix always looks towards the first point of arc (one which is provided in the Start input).

Radius. The radius of the arc.
Angle. The angle of the arc, in radians.

Examples of usage¶
Default settings:

Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve
Vectorization example:

Generator-> Line
Number-> Number Range
Vector-> Vector Polar Input
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Viewer Draw Curve