Pulga Vector Force¶
This node creates a force to be applied with the Pulga Physics->Pulga Physics Solver node.
The force applies the inputted vector as a force to each vertex.
The force direction will be the same as the inputted vertex.
The force magnitude will be: Inputted Vector Magnitude * Force Strength
Force: Force as vector value. It will also accept a vector Field as input, if multiple values are given the will be use as force per particle.
Fields-> Vector Field Formula
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Connect Fields->Rotation Field into “Force” socket:
Number-> List Input
Number-> Number Range
Fields-> Rotation Field
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Strength: Multiplier of the force, if multiple values are given the will be use as strength per particle.
Set strength per particle:
Number-> List Input
Fields-> Rotation Field
Number-> List Input
Number-> Number Range
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Proportional to Mass: multiply the Vector Force by the mass of the particle.
Description Example (Influence of some parameters):
Generator-> Circle
Fields-> Rotation Field
Number-> A Number
ADD: Number-> Scalar Math
Number-> List Input
Number-> Number Range
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Vector-> Vector Polar Output
Vector-> Vector Polar Input
List->List Main-> List Join
List->List Struct-> List Flip
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Viewer Index+
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Constant vector force:

Generator-> Plane
Number-> Number Range
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Noise Vector Field as vector force:

Generator-> Plane
Fields-> Noise Vector Field
Number-> Number Range
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Modifiers->Modifier Make-> UV Connection
Viz-> Viewer Draw