Decompose Vector Field¶
This node generates three Scalar Fields by decomposing a Vector Field into it’s coordinates.
This node has the following input:
Field. The vector field to be decomposed. The input is mandatory.
This node has the following parameter:
Coordinates. This defines the coordinate system to be used. The available options are:
Cartesian. The vector field is decomposed into X, Y and Z fields.
Cylindrical. The vector field is decomposed into Rho, Phi and Z fields.
Spherical. The vector field is decomposed into Rho, Phi and Theta fields.
The default mode is Cartesian.
The names of the outputs depend on the Coordinates parameter:
X / Rho / Rho. The first scalar field.
Y / Phi / Phi. The second scalar field.
Z / Z / Theta. The third scalar field.
Example of usage¶
Generator->Generatots Extended-> Spiral
Fields-> Vector Field Formula
Fields-> Evaluate Scalar Field
Number-> A Number
Number-> Map Range
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Viz-> Metaball Out
Use only one component of some attraction vector field to scale the cubes:

Generator-> Box
Fields-> Attractor Field
Fields-> Evaluate Scalar Field
Spacial-> Vector P Field
Vector-> Vector In
Matrix-> Matrix In
Viz-> Viewer Draw