Noise Displace

This noise node displaces a list of Vectors. The seed value permits you to apply a different noise calculation to identical inputs.

Inputs & Parameters




Pick between Scalar along Normal and Vector output

Noise Type

Pick between several noise types Mathutils noise:

  • Blender

  • Cell Noise

  • New Perlin

  • Standard Perlin

  • Voronoi Crackle

  • Voronoi F1

  • Voronoi F2

  • Voronoi F2F1

  • Voronoi F3

  • Voronoi F4

See mathutils.noise docs ( Noise ) Custom noises:

  • Random Cells

  • Random Gradients

  • Ortho Gradients

  • Numpy Perlin

(see examples)


Smooth curvature (Only for custom noises)


Gradient interpolation (Hard noise when un-checked) (For custom noises)


Accepts float values, they are hashed into Integers internally.

Seed values of 0 will internally be replaced with a randomly picked

constant to allow all seed input to generate repeatable output.

(Seed=0 would otherwise generate random values based on system time)

Scale Out

Vector to multiply the added vector

Noise Matrix

Matrix input to determinate noise origin, scale and rotation

Advanced Parameters

In the N-Panel (and on the right-click menu) you can find:

  • List Match: Define how list with different lengths should be matched.

  • Output NumPy: Get NumPy arrays in stead of regular lists (makes the node faster with Custom noises slower with Mathutils noises).


Basic examples

The node offers three ways of matching the list lengths “Repeat Last”, “Cycle” and “Match Short” in this example “Cycle” is used to alternate the noise matrix.

In this example the scale output is used to blend with another oscillation texture.

The “Vector” Mode does not use vertex normals so it can be used just with vertices.

The “Scale out” input can be used to mask the affected vertices.

You can create many different outputs from one set of vertices if you input multiple seeds.

For the Mathutils Noises:

Seed and scale per vertex can be passed, in this example the seed is chosen by determining the closest point of another mesh and the scale is based on the distance to that point.

One matrix per point can be passed if the matrix list is wrapped, note that the “Flat Output” checkbox of the matrix in is un-checked.

For the custom noises:

The custom noises will only allow one seed and matrix per object but they offer two different interpolations per noise to change the noise look.

Scale will be passed per vertex allowing different effects.

When interpolate is off there will be seams in the texture. As the seems are placed every unit with the use of the matrix can be used to produce hard edges.