Curve on Surface


This node generates a (3D) curve by laying another (2D) curve into some surface’s UV space. In other words, it takes a curve, considers it as being placed in 2D space of U and V parameters, and generates another curve by evaluating the surface at U/V coordinates generated by the first curve. One may say that this node draws the curve on the surface.


This node has the following inputs:

  • Curve. The curve to be drawn on the surface. This input is mandatory.

  • Surface. The surface, on which to draw the curve. This input is mandatory.


This node has the following parameter:

  • Curve plane. The coordinate plane, in which the input curve lies. This defines the pair of coordinates being used. The available values are XY, YZ and XZ. For example, if XY is selected, then Z coordinates of the input curve’s points will be ignored. The default value is XY.


This node has the following output:

  • Curve. The curve drawn on the surface.

Examples of usage

Generate some surface and draw a circle on it:

It is possible to use such a curve, for example, to place cubes along it: