Face from Curves (Solid)


This node generates a Solid Face object, i.e. a Surface trimmed with an edge, from one or several Curves, that form an exactly closed loop - the boundary of the face.

Solid Face object can be later used for construction of Solids (by extrusion, for example).

NOTE: this node supports only NURBS and NURBS-like curves.


This node has the following input:

  • Edges. One or several curves that form a boundary of the face. The node will create one face from one list of curves. Curves must form a precisely closed loop. If Planar parameter is checked, then all curves must lie precisely in one plane. This input is mandatory.


This node has the following parameters:

  • Planar. If checked, then the generated Face will be planar (flat). For this, all input curves must lie in one plane. If not checked, then non-planar curves are allowed, and the surface will be not flat. Checked by default.

  • Close wire. If checked, the node will automatically close the loop defined by provided curves, in case it is not already closed. It is done by adding a straight line segment to the list of curves. Unchecked by default.

  • Accuracy. This parameter is only available in the N panel. This defines the tolerance for checking if ends of curves coincide. Bigger values mean that ends of curves must coincide with better precision. The default value is 8.


This node has the following output:

  • SolidFace. The generated Solid Face object.

Example of Usage

Make a Face from a closed NURBS curve, and then make a solid of revolution from it:
