Solidify Face (Solid)¶
This node requires FreeCAD library to work.
This node takes a Solid Face (i.e. a Surface trimmed by some edges), and makes a Solid object from it, by offsetting the face along it’s normals. In a way, it is similar to what “Solidify” node does to mesh.
Solid Face object can be created with nodes from “Make Face” submenu (such as “Face from Curve”); also any NURBS or NURBS-like surface can be used as a Solid Face.
This node has the following inputs:
SolidFace. Solid Face object to be used for Solid generation. This input is mandatory.
Offset. Offset value. The default value is 0.1.
Tolerance. Calculation tolerance. The default value is 0.01.
This node has the following parameter:
Flat output. If checked, the node will generate one flat list of Solid objects for all lists of input faces. Otherwise, the node will generate a separate list of Solid objects for each list of input faces. Checked by default.
This node has the following output:
Solid. The generated Solid object.
Example of Usage¶
Make a Face from a closed NURBS curve, then offset it along normal to make a Solid object: