Extrude Face (Solid)


This node takes a Solid Face object (i.e. a Surface trimmed by some edges), and makes a Solid object from it, by extruding the face along a vector.

Solid Face object can be created with nodes from “Make Face” submenu (such as “Face from Curve”); also any NURBS or NURBS-like surface can be used as a Solid Face.


This node has the following inputs:

  • SolidFace. Solid Face object to be extruded. This input is mandatory.

  • Vector. The extrusion vector. The default value is (0, 0, 1).


This node has the following output:

  • Solid. The generated Solid object.

Example of Usage

Make a Face from a closed NURBS curve, then extrude it along a vector to make a Solid object:
