Scalar Field Graph


This node requires SkImage library to work.


This node uses Marching Squares algorithm to generate iso-lines of a given scalar field on a series of planes for a series of iso-values. This node is mainly intended for visualization of scalar fields, but may be useful for other things too.

See also


This node has the following inputs:
  • Field. Scalar field to be visualized. This input is mandatory.

  • Bounds. Set of vertices that define the bounding box where the graph will be generated. Exact vertices are not used, only their bounding box is used. This input is mandatory.

  • SamplesXY. Number of samples (resolution) along X and Y coordinates. The default value is 50.

  • SamplesZ. Number of samples along Z coordinates, i.e. the number of planes to draw iso-lines on. The default value is 10.

  • ValueSamples. Number of different values used as iso-values. This defines the number of contours which are drawn on each plane. The default value is 10.


This node has the following parameters:

  • Make faces. If checked, the node will generate a face for each closed contour. Unchecked by default.

  • Connect boundary. If checked, the node will connect pieces of the same curve, that was split because it was cut by specified X/Y bounds. Otherwise, several separate pieces will be generated in such case. Unchecked by default. (Connected only one split in one axis. If contour has more one split - no connection)

  • Join. If checked, then the node will join all generated contours for each field into one mesh object. Otherwise, the node will output a separate mesh object for each contour. Checked by default. You can colorize them for example.


This node has the following outputs:
  • Vertices. Vertices of the generated contours.

  • Edges. Edges of the generated contours.

  • Faces. Faces made for closed contours. This output is only available when the Make faces parameter is checked.

Some results are weird:

Example of usage

Example of description: